We The Players Winners - November/December. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Fixed the Beyond SKyrim - Wares of Tamriel patch. Do you know Holds the City Overhaul? ELFX is unconfirmed to be compatible or not with Holds.

It was full of errors due to the FormID misalignment. Added the compatibility patch for Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul. After three-and-a-half years, Skyrim mod Holds: The City Overhaul has been released. Immersive Horses patch: A named horse named Snowmere, a steed of Jarl Balgruuf, has been modified so that it can be obtained by Player using Immersive Horse's mechanics. All Notice Boards are now much more accesible as they are placed outdoors just like in the original mod. Holds adds a large exterior area to Riften, While JK's edits the city worldspace itself. The following patches were previously outdated, but now made fully functional with Holds 0.0.9: Missives patch, Dynamic Things Enhanced patch, RS Children Overhaul patch. Added the compatibility patch for Thunderchild - Epic Shouts and Immersion. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. So it’s not exactly compatible with any other mod that deals with city shape or design (or it may be, test at your own risk). The compatibility patch for OCS (Immersive Citizens - OCS patch.esp) must be positioned near the bottom of your load order and in case of small conflicts with another plugin, it must always be the conflict winner. Meanwhile, other city mods, REAL city overhaul mods, that add new NPCs, new houses, new sights and other things that actually expand on a city barely get as much attention at all. Fixed the issues with Legacy of the Dragonborn patch where rocks and tree were floating in the courtyard of the gallery.

The mod was updated a while ago and the patch reflects all fo its changes. Fixed an issue with Alternate Start Patch SE version where "I am a Vigilant of Stendarr" starting option was not working properly.