If I made a mistake in any of my info, feel free to correct me. once they are to get all of them to be green, use the switches in this order:ġ: pull the lever until the lights are 10100Ģ: push the switch on the television twice Preferably, you would start with all the lights being off (red), if they are not, just fiddle with the switches till they are.

The four switches effect the lights (1=activates/deactivates the light in that spot, 0=does nothing to that light in that slot.), and they each cycle through two different effects. to get an extra boss (or a required boss to kill, dunno, was too intrigued with the puzzle) you need to light up all 5 lights on a wall using 4 buttons/switches. In the mission "Splinter Group" you get to a room free of enemies after you go through a pipe, and it has buttons and levers you can use.