Portal test chamber 3
Portal test chamber 3

  • Hint: If the future Weighted Storage Cube is taken to the present timeline, moving the present Weighted Storage Cube will cease the future Cube’s existence in the present timeline.
  • portal test chamber 3

    Find a way to obtain another Weighted Storage Cube.

  • Hint: Two Weighted Storage Cubes are necessary to complete this puzzle.
  • Hint: Many chambers in this game cannot be solved in the present.
  • If you are genuinely getting stuck at this point, then I hope your puzzle-solving skills will dramatically increase as you continue through this game, because this does not bode well considering the difficulties of the next twenty-three puzzles. If you are struggling with this, there are many other “helpful” guides that will tell you how to move and look around. Use your mouse and keyboard/controller to find and press it. Nevertheless, waiting twenty years is not the recommended solution.
  • Hint: Despite what the voice in your head says, you will not die of thirst if you keep waiting.
  • portal test chamber 3

  • Hint: You should read this hint after you have read the first hint.
  • Hint: Since this is a mod of Portal 2, you should have fully completed Portal 2 before playing this game, which is quite simple because you must own Portal 2 to play this game.
  • Hints are given in increasing order of clarity, so you should look at the first hint in the list first.

    Portal test chamber 3